CSI Syllabus
Welcome to the TMS-CSI Crime Lab! This is an activity-based class, so attendance is very important.
Daily Grade: Your daily grade will consist of:
Activity/Participation – 50%
Behavior- 50%
Behavior Policy: Because this is an activity-based class, horseplay will not be tolerated and could result with a zero for the daily and a day of detention.
Detective Notebook: The detective notebook must be brought to class daily to record notes, make sketches, write observations and analyses, etc. You will be allowed to use your detective notebook on one part of the block exam, so it will be important for you to be thorough during all activities.
Weekly Quizzes: Weekly quizzes will cover the assigned reading material. These will be the only test grades besides the block exam, so you need to take the reading assignments seriously.
Block Exam: The block exam will be a two written exams. The first exam will cover the assigned reading materials throughout the course. The second exam will cover information from the activities which you documented in your detective notebook. You will be able to use your detective notebook for this part of the block exam.
Daily Grade: Your daily grade will consist of:
Activity/Participation – 50%
Behavior- 50%
Behavior Policy: Because this is an activity-based class, horseplay will not be tolerated and could result with a zero for the daily and a day of detention.
Detective Notebook: The detective notebook must be brought to class daily to record notes, make sketches, write observations and analyses, etc. You will be allowed to use your detective notebook on one part of the block exam, so it will be important for you to be thorough during all activities.
Weekly Quizzes: Weekly quizzes will cover the assigned reading material. These will be the only test grades besides the block exam, so you need to take the reading assignments seriously.
Block Exam: The block exam will be a two written exams. The first exam will cover the assigned reading materials throughout the course. The second exam will cover information from the activities which you documented in your detective notebook. You will be able to use your detective notebook for this part of the block exam.