Food Web Webquest
1. Go to the following link and complete the African Grassland Food Web. Complete the activity page by writing the name of the organism in each category: scavengers, carnivores, herbivores/omnivores, producers, decomposers. You will drag each organism in to the correct category. If the organism is correct, the organism will stay. If it is incorrect, it will not stay in the category and you can use the help clues at the top of the screen. When you have completed the activity, click at the top to see the completed food web. You will sketch this food web at the bottom of your paper using the names of the organisms and all the arrows.
2. Complete the questions on the back of your paper using any/all of the following links:
3. When you have completed the entire activity, go to
One person in your group needs to log in and together you will take a quiz. The quiz name is Food Web Challenge. ONLY ONE PERSON NEEDS TO LOG IN. YOU WILL TAKE THE QUIZ TOGETHER ONLY ONE TIME!! It doesn't matter who logs in, I know who is in your group. Do the quiz ONE time together!!!
4. When you have finished with everything, you may go to mrnussbaum or my weblinks.
2. Complete the questions on the back of your paper using any/all of the following links:
3. When you have completed the entire activity, go to
One person in your group needs to log in and together you will take a quiz. The quiz name is Food Web Challenge. ONLY ONE PERSON NEEDS TO LOG IN. YOU WILL TAKE THE QUIZ TOGETHER ONLY ONE TIME!! It doesn't matter who logs in, I know who is in your group. Do the quiz ONE time together!!!
4. When you have finished with everything, you may go to mrnussbaum or my weblinks.