6th Science Syllabus
Mrs. Maxey – 6th Grade Science Name _________________________________
Web Page: www.jmaxey.net School Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @maxeyscience
Blog: maxsci.wordpress.com
Don’t forget to follow me on SchoolConnect (mobile app)
Science and technology are greatly changing the way students learn. We jumped in feet first with the implementation of iPads in 6th grade Science, and it was a huge success. Now, we are venturing into the deep end again by going paperless. Don’t panic. Paperless simply means I will not be printing/copying many sheets of notes, worksheets, etc that the students have trouble keeping track of anyway. Now, I do know not everyone has access or dependable access to the Internet, so I will not assign anything that requires using the Internet at home. If students need extra time for using the Internet, they may come in before school, during their PE time, or encore. Even though I won’t be printing handouts, notes, etc, the students will be able to print out anything they wish from my classroom so hard copies are always available (and encouraged).
School Supplies: Paper, Pencil, Pencil Sharpener, Pocket Folder w/ brads, Planner
Class Rules:
Grading Policy: Daily Avg 3/7 Exam Avg 3/7 Block Exam 1/7
Tardy Policy: 1st & 2nd: Warning 3rd: Detention 4th: ISD (1 day) 5th: ISD (3 days)
Progress Grades: Grades will be given to each student in their planner every Monday for your review.
Webpage: jmaxey.net - Includes Voicethreads (audio/visual lectures), useful links, and many other things.
Blog: maxsci.wordpress.com – I post my lessons and announcements. Students will be posting their work.
Twitter: @maxeyscience
Class Learning Site: edmodo.com - You may join as a parent.
Parent Code Access: ______________________
Re-take Policy
Students will have the opportunity to re-take quizzes and tests. Re-takes will not be identical to the original test so students must master the content and not just memorize. Final grade will be the higher of the two. The re-take must be taken within two weeks after the original test and with me present (before school, encore, PE).
Web Page: www.jmaxey.net School Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @maxeyscience
Blog: maxsci.wordpress.com
Don’t forget to follow me on SchoolConnect (mobile app)
Science and technology are greatly changing the way students learn. We jumped in feet first with the implementation of iPads in 6th grade Science, and it was a huge success. Now, we are venturing into the deep end again by going paperless. Don’t panic. Paperless simply means I will not be printing/copying many sheets of notes, worksheets, etc that the students have trouble keeping track of anyway. Now, I do know not everyone has access or dependable access to the Internet, so I will not assign anything that requires using the Internet at home. If students need extra time for using the Internet, they may come in before school, during their PE time, or encore. Even though I won’t be printing handouts, notes, etc, the students will be able to print out anything they wish from my classroom so hard copies are always available (and encouraged).
School Supplies: Paper, Pencil, Pencil Sharpener, Pocket Folder w/ brads, Planner
Class Rules:
- Students should be preparing for class when the tardy bell rings. Tardy in Science is when the door closes.
- Students should only bring to class what is necessary. No bags, coats, … etc.
- Student must come prepared every day. Students will not be allowed to return to their locker after the tardy bell for something they “forgot”.
Grading Policy: Daily Avg 3/7 Exam Avg 3/7 Block Exam 1/7
Tardy Policy: 1st & 2nd: Warning 3rd: Detention 4th: ISD (1 day) 5th: ISD (3 days)
Progress Grades: Grades will be given to each student in their planner every Monday for your review.
Webpage: jmaxey.net - Includes Voicethreads (audio/visual lectures), useful links, and many other things.
Blog: maxsci.wordpress.com – I post my lessons and announcements. Students will be posting their work.
Twitter: @maxeyscience
Class Learning Site: edmodo.com - You may join as a parent.
Parent Code Access: ______________________
Re-take Policy
Students will have the opportunity to re-take quizzes and tests. Re-takes will not be identical to the original test so students must master the content and not just memorize. Final grade will be the higher of the two. The re-take must be taken within two weeks after the original test and with me present (before school, encore, PE).
Student Contract
6th Grade Student/Parent Contract
Students will be utilizing iPads daily in the classroom for lessons, discussions, projects, assignments, tests, etc. Textbooks will not be checked out; therefore, it is very important for students to keep their folder and online sites organized and up to date. iPads are like any other piece of school property and should be cared for as such. If the student damages/breaks an iPad for any reason other than an accident, he/she will be responsible.
1. Students will not be allowed to give out their user name and/or password to anyone (includes family members) for any resource/site that requires such.
2. Students should not log in as anyone other than themselves. Students should not open/edit/mess with another student’s data/project/account, etc.
3. Blogs or any other communication avenues must be school/project related and only with designated students or myself and must be appropriate (language, content, pictures, video, etc.).
4. Students are expected to do their best (whatever their best is). Horseplay, distractions, behavior issues will not affect the education of the other students and will be dealt with accordingly.
Any violation of this contract could result with the student account(s) being deactivated and given alternative assignments or other consequences depending on the nature of the violation.
Please sign below indicating you have read the Syllabus and Student Contract.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Student Signature Parent Signature
Students will be utilizing iPads daily in the classroom for lessons, discussions, projects, assignments, tests, etc. Textbooks will not be checked out; therefore, it is very important for students to keep their folder and online sites organized and up to date. iPads are like any other piece of school property and should be cared for as such. If the student damages/breaks an iPad for any reason other than an accident, he/she will be responsible.
1. Students will not be allowed to give out their user name and/or password to anyone (includes family members) for any resource/site that requires such.
2. Students should not log in as anyone other than themselves. Students should not open/edit/mess with another student’s data/project/account, etc.
3. Blogs or any other communication avenues must be school/project related and only with designated students or myself and must be appropriate (language, content, pictures, video, etc.).
4. Students are expected to do their best (whatever their best is). Horseplay, distractions, behavior issues will not affect the education of the other students and will be dealt with accordingly.
Any violation of this contract could result with the student account(s) being deactivated and given alternative assignments or other consequences depending on the nature of the violation.
Please sign below indicating you have read the Syllabus and Student Contract.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Student Signature Parent Signature